"Self-care routines can be seen as indulgent, but they are a necessity, especially in a world where we are connected 24/7."
The ultimate goal is to experience the moment and bring balance to your mind and body. Whether it’s for your mental or physical wellbeing, or both, some small additions to your regular routine can really set your mind and body up for the day, or get you into relaxation mode for the evening.
It’s basically a little check in with yourself, during a busy time, or say a bizarre year! (hello 2020-2021), or times where you just live mindlessly. By this I mean where you aren’t really paying attention, when you pick up your phone too much for example. A self-care ritual is intentional and can wake you up from that mindless feeling.
Self-care routines can be seen as indulgent, but they are a necessity, especially in a world where we are connected 24/7! Just as we need to put aside and recharge our electronics, we need to disconnect ourselves from what can feel like an everyday blur and recharge and revitalise ourselves.
"It’s basically a little check in with yourself, during a busy time, or say a bizarre year (hello 2020-2021)!"
As much as I love a multi-step self-care routine, it is simply not always realistic for me as a Mum of a 1 year old. I love my baths and making the experience like a spa, but with the limited time I have, I make sure to incorporate small self-care moments into my daily routines.
This can be a quick dry body brushing with our Elytrum palm size brush before I jump into the shower in the morning;It can be using a bar of soap that excites me and I know is deeply nourishing like our beautiful range by Fysha ;

A simple act of breathing in and out 3 times while I gently put on my Guy Morgan Dagger Rose face oil.

Using my Guy Morgan Gua Sha stone in the morning to help penetrate my skincare deeper into my skin, while also massaging my face;

And even simply putting on a special and soft pair of Pairs Scotland socks while getting ready for the day can make a big difference to me.

So instead of waiting to have time to set up a spa session, I invite these self-care moments into my daily routines- and I have to say with our selection of products it makes it easy because even your underarms smell like a spa and relax you (Thank you AKT!). Didn’t think the scent of your underarms could relax you? Try it out for yourself!

Whether its big spa like sessions or lots of little moments, the wellness of your mind and body can be elevated by the simple step of prioritising and being kind to yourself.